Chapter 15 Ethics

Research ethics is one of the most difficult subjects to tackle in any discipline. To be in an ethical situation, one where ethical discussions are required, means that there is something that is undeciable. Making a choice will be at the direct cost of another option and there is no good answer. To be in a situation where the ethical rammification are clear is to not be in an ethical dilemna at all. This is a philosophical point but it is relevant that if something is wrong, just don’t do it.

Ethics should underpin everything that you do. So why a chapter by itself? It deserves it. There is a little bit of ethics in each chapter. At each point in the analysis and design process questions of ethics should come up. Do I need this data? Am I causing harm to another? IS there any kind of bias in the data that I am introducing through my analysis. Will the analysis be ionterpretted correctly? Am I introducing person bias or any kind of cognitive bias into what I am presenting.

Ethics should be interwoven in the fabric of any kind of undertaking. Most of the time the questions bosed by an IRB are a great place to start with any analysis. These questions include the justness of the actions.



  • Research Ethics
  • Why is this crucial
  • Duty to Stake Holders
  • Duty to the Public
  • Duty to the People
  • Legality and ethics

15.1 Instititional Research Board